This was my second time being a tutor on an audio course from Creativity Works, along with my...

Creativity Works – Podcasting course tutoring
Creativity Works is a project from the charity A New Direction, which helps young people from London break into the...

VENT – London Borough of Culture, Brent 2020 x VICE
One thing I’m doing right now – AND LOVING ? – is working on this collab between VICE and Brent Council,...
Before You Press Record – maker session at London Podcast Festival
I’m excited to be back at the London Podcast Festival again this year, doing a maker session called...

Multitrack Audio Producer Fellowship
For the last few months I’ve been working alongside a group of other volunteers to launch a new...

‘How to podcast’ workshop with the CMA
On March 4th I’m doing a workshop at the Content Marketing Association (CMA), with my friend and sometimes...

Harambee, Gate Theatre
In the last few weeks I got to do some work with the Gate Theatre in Notting Hill....
First five weeks of MA Radio
So… a few weeks ago I started the MA Radio course at Goldsmiths University. It’s been an amazing time so...
Scene report – Strange and Charmed: Voices From the Margins
A few weeks ago I went on a one day course at Cathy Fitzgerald’s relatively new school for...
Scene report – The Audio Doc Will See You Now
Slightly overdue, but I wanted to write a quick post reporting back on the day I spent on...